Categories Fashion

Hermes fulfillment takes over dip center in Italy

From 1 August, Hermes Fulfillment will take over a dispatch center in Valdengo, Northern Italy. The center specializes in the logistical processing of low-volume product ranges. ‘By taking over the site in Valdengo, we can establish ourselves on the European market’, says CEO Kevin Kufs.

Hermes Fulfillment is a German company. It also operates fulfillment companies in Czech Republic and Switzerland. A few months ago, Hermes Fulfillment started handling returned goods at a new processing center in Poland. A dispatch center for low-volume goods is under construction there. It is due to open early next year.

Further progress with internationalisation

The dispatch center in Italy is perfect for their internationalization efforts, according to Kufs. The building covers an area of ​​12,500 meters. “Our goal is to make full use of the dispatch center, which has a processing capacity of up to 30 million items per year, with outbound goods and returns”, the SEO says.

Capacity of 30 million items per year.

The site at Valdengo was previously run by fashion brand Bonprix. Those goods will be transferred to one of Hermes’ dispatch centers in Germany. Soon, the Italian dispatch center will mostly be used for processing returns from Southern Europe for the fashion retailer About You. It will also be used for volumes from third-party businesses whose products are already handled there.

‘Valdengo helps us to achieve our growth targets’

By 2028, Hermes Fulfillment aims to double its revenue. Besides that, the company wants to be among the three most successful B2C fulfillment service providers in the field of parcel and large-item logistics in Europe. Kufs: “The new site in Valdengo helps us to achieve these growth targets.”