Categories Electronic

Hydroponic greenhouse with ESP8266 – Open Electronics

By Marco Ventimiglia on August 7, 2022

With hydroponic cultivation we imply a unique methodology of plant progress, in truth as an alternative of the earth there may be water with dissolved mineral salts that flows between the roots. On this undertaking we’ll see how a hydroponic greenhouse managed by an ESP8266 was constructed.

Hydroponic greenhouse with ESP8266 – Open Electronics


The system consists of pumps and temperature sensors managed by a NodeMCU with ESP8266. The microcontroller is related to an I/O port expander which in flip is related to a 16 relay module as a way to activate units that function at essential voltages. There are additionally 2 1.3 “OLED shows and an RTC module for actual time retaining.

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About Marco Ventimiglia