Complacency kills your competitive edge. Your competition is constantly striving to improve its product offerings and customer service. Are you doing everything you can to engage with customers in the most compelling way possible?
We get it. As a retailer, you have a lot on your plate. You have increasingly difficult customer demands to meet. Your customers expect you to provide a great product and an even better full-service experience.
Don’t underestimate the power of your customer’s experience. 90% of buyers say the experience a company provides matters as much as the products or services they offer. Forward-thinking retailers around the world are deploying interactive retail kiosks to give their shoppers a personalized customer experience through tailored product recommendations, virtual try-ons, and customized promotions.
Product Recommendations
With the help of your kiosks and buying groups, your customers can easily put outfits together. They can get their questions answered about your product and check if you have it in inventory in the store or place an order to have it delivered to their home.
When a customer sees an item they like, your kiosks can suggest other items that go with it.
The right technology can analyze sales data across all of your locations. With this information, it can provide recommendations based on what the customer specifically has purchased in the past or what trending sales data suggests many customers want to purchase together.
A customer coming into your store looking for one item can leave satisfied knowing they got their wardrobe sorted for the whole season and they don’t even have to go to any other store. They find the look they want all along, and you can claim credit for boosting sales and increasing basket size.
Virtual Try-Ons
Product returns are a necessary part of doing business as a retailer. But they still cost money. Employees who could be using their problem-solving skills in ways that help your business grow are instead spending their time and attention on processing returns that could have been avoided.
Granted, not all returns can be avoided. But if customers can try virtually, they can easily rule out those clothes that obviously aren’t going to work out for them. Virtual try-ons also accommodate customers who would never set foot in a changing room. Whether they don’t want to spend the time or have any one of a long list of potential phobias, you can still serve them and increase your sales while doing so.
Through interactive kiosks, you can provide a more comfortable experience for every customer and enable them to purchase more products. Augmented reality technology turns your interactive retail kiosks into a virtual mirror. This mirror then layers the image of the customer with the clothing item or item your customer is interested in. Allowing your customers to see what the clothes will look like on them will reduce the number of returns you have to process and help your customers make better-informed purchasing decisions.
While you have your customers’ attention as they are actually trying on clothes, you can increase the likelihood of making a sale, by offering them customized promotions.
Customized Promotions
With enough data, you can know what your customers want before they do. Loyalty information and your customers’ purchasing history are worth its weight in gold. Armed with this you give your customer discounts and promotions tailored to their wants based on what’s been purchased in the past.
If you have a customer who purchases new jeans every six months, the next time she checks out, provide a popup for a special discount on jeans on her next visit. Whether you’re selling purses and skin creams or sport coats and shotgun shells, you can personalize recommendations to each of your valuable customers.
When your customers feel like you understand them and that you can anticipate their desires, they will keep coming back. Especially when you offer them a discount on something they already really want.
The great sales coach Zig Ziglar often used to say, “You can have everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.” The key to success as a retailer is to help your customers get everything they want from their shopping experience. They know you can’t carry everything, but if you help them find what they like and help them save money as they do it, they will keep coming back to you.
Interactive retail kiosks, brilliantly positioned throughout your store, can help you provide a higher level of customer service. The computing power of this retail technology can help you give every shopper the personalized customer experience they crave.